About Us

What is oongole.com

oongole.com powered by (Keshav Gaugram LLP) is Chandigarh Tricity’s first multi category online service platform -delivering A2 Milk, organic food, grocery, other household utility items and everything you are looking for your home and shop. A Step taken to take away all the stress associated with shopping and travelling long distances or standing in serpentine queues. Select a time slot for delivery and your order will be delivered right to your doorstep, anywhere in Chandigarh Tricity. You can pay online using your debit/ credit card/ e-wallet or by cash on delivery (COD).

Our commitment is to offer a premium quality service at a genuinely competitive price without ever compromising quality and assembly performance.

Quality will always be our primary focus, and our service levels will clearly indicate just how we value our customer.

Enjoy Shopping, Live Free

Mission Statement and Vision Statement.

oongole.com emphasize innovation and excellence.


Mission Statement

oongole.com mission statement is “to connect rural Bharat to urban India and further connecting to the world”


Vision Statement

oongole.com vision statement is “to provide in one click completely hassle free shopping experience with best prices in India .”